The Fitness Phenomenon
September 2, 2016
The Increasing Obsession With Fitness
Fitness! The very word conjures up visions of a well-toned body in those who are already fit and nightmares of torture and pain in those who aren’t. Fitness buffs today have become almost “cult-like” in their devotion to physical perfection. The rest of us are less obsessed and many see fitness as a New Year’s resolution that we make, break, and start again.
Fitness, however, is more than just looking good. Our very lives may be dependent upon how fit we are. For example, metabolic syndrome is a combination of factors (excessive belly fat, high blood pressure, and high levels of triglycerides) that together increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
How To Determine Fitness Levels
As with many other things, achieving fitness begins with baby steps. Jumping into a complex fitness regime without laying the groundwork is sure to end in failure. Determine your goal, then work slowly and steadily to achieve it. This is especially important if you haven’t exercised regularly.
Fitness is assessed in 4 key areas: aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and BMI.
- Check aerobic fitness:
Take a brisk 1 mile (1.6 km) walk then check your pulse. You can do this at the carotid artery (located in the neck beside the windpipe) or at the radial artery (located in the wrist just below the thumb). Once you’ve located your pulse, count the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to get your heart rate/minute.
15 beats/10 seconds x 6 = 90 beats/minute
- Measure muscular strength and endurance: Push Ups
Push-ups, whether modified or classic, can help measure muscular strength. Modified push-ups are done face down with the knees on the floor, classic push-ups with the toes on the floor.
- Assess flexibility: Sit-and-Reach Test
The sit-and-reach test is a simple way to measure the flexibility of the backs of your legs, your hips and your lower back.
Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet even with the 15-inch (38-cm) mark on a yardstick. Stretch forward as far as you can and record the distance .
- Estimate body composition: body mass index
BMI stands for body mass index and is calculated as weight over height squared (weight(kg)/[height(m)]2). To calculate in pounds and inches, multiply weight by 0.45 (the metric conversion factor).
An individual that weighs 150 lbs and is 5 feet 4 inches tall has a height in inches of (5 x 12) + 4 = 64"
1. Using the first part of the formula we multiply the weight by 703.
150 x 703 = 105450
2. Using the second part of the formula we multiply the height by itself.
64 x 64 = 4096
3. Finally we divide the first figure by the second.
105450 / 4096 = 25.74
Current guidelines indicate that a BMI below 18.5 = Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 = Normal 25 - 29.9 = Overweight 30.0 + = Obese
According to these established guidelines, this individual would be considered overweight.
- Resting Heart Rate
Resting heart rate can be measured in one of two ways:
- Use a heart-rate monitor, sit quietly for 10 minutes and use the lowest reading you get
- Sit quietly for 10 minutes, count the pulse for 30 seconds and multiply by 2
Barriers To Fitness
Sticking to a regular exercise plan isn't easy. It requires dedication and determination. Choose a plan that challenges you but doesn’t exceed your ability. Remember, too difficult leads to discouragement and failure - too easy limits progress. There are many excuses to avoid exercise:
- No time
- Exercise is boring
- No energy
- Not athletic
- High health club fees
Don’t let anything discourage your efforts. Keep your eye on the goal and work through it.
The best way to monitor your progress is to keep a journal and the date and enter your information each time you exercise. To ensure accuracy, keep your trusty calculator by your side. If you need an upgrade, why not sell your current model? offers a buy-back option that is second to none. Our quick turn around time, outstanding customer service, and competitive prices will help with the price of a new model that will get you started on the road to fitness. time you exercise. To ensure accuracy, keep your trusty calculator by your side. If you need an upgrade, why not sell your current model?
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