Graphing Calculator Technology and Trends
September 3, 2013
Graphing Calculator Technology – New or Not?
Graphing calculators technology has changed, albeit very little, in the past 20 years. With the advent of the touch screen, graphing calculators have jumped on board. Beyond that, however, graphing calculators and their technology have changed very little. So, why with all the technological advancements in other industries has the graphing calculator industry remained nearly the same?
Graphing Calculator Technology – Reluctant for Change
Graphing calculators have changed very little over the past two decades for several reasons. First and foremost, the need for increased functionality has not been warranted. Most high school level math classes have changed their material very little in the past twenty years as schools still require the same classes and same material to be covered. As a result, high school students do not need new technology to accomplish the same things. This also helps to minimize school supply costs because used calculators are being passed from generation to generation. Not to mention, teachers definitely have their “favorites” when it comes to graphing calculators. Teachers will often make recommendations for graphing calculators to be used in their class because they can utilize their current handouts and they work. Finally, standardized test administrators have very specific guidelines on what types and brands of graphing calculators can be used on their tests. This has made the graphing calculators manufacturers reluctant to make too many changes. Each of these factors has contributed exponentially to the stasis of the graphing calculator industry.
Graphing Calculator Technology – What’s in Store…
While graphing calculator manufacturers have made few changes to their technology, they have toyed with changing their interfaces and looks. Unfortunately, the reception of these changes has been mild. The old adage, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” plays strongly in this market. Our guess is that until coursework or technology mandate a change, graphing calculator manufacturers will continue producing the same technology in the same style. If you’ve moved beyond your graphing calculators days, consider participating in the SellYourCalculators buyback program.
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