TI Nspire Tips and Tricks
March 5, 2013
TI Nspire Handheld Calculators
The Ti Nspire Handheld Calculator is a revolutionary graphing calculator that provides students with practical examples and experiences to enhance the learning process. These graphing calculators also enable users to create and transfer files easily using Mac OS X or Windows compatible software. The larger, higher resolution screen enables students to draw more detailed graphs. This calculator also comes with the ability to calculate algebraic equations using the TI Nspire CAS version. Outlined below are a few tips and tricks for using your TI Nspire graphing calculator.
Modifying Your TI- Nspire Display
- Increase contrast: Ctrl-+
- Decrease contrast: Ctrl-–
- Power off: Ctrl-On
Shortcuts for Managing Your TI Nspire Documents
These shortcuts are for the files (documents) that hold problems.
- Access the Documents menu: Doc
- Access the Context menu (right-click): Ctrl-Menu
- Open Document: Ctrl-O
- Close Document: Ctrl-W
- Create New Document: Ctrl-N
- Insert New Page: Ctrl-I
- Select Application: Ctrl-K
- Save Current Document: Ctrl-S
Navigating Your TI-Nspire Documents
These shortcuts enable you to easily navigate documents on your TI-Nspire. You can change your view, move from problem to problem, page to page and application to application.
- Display previous page: Ctrl-â—„
- Display next page: Ctrl-â–º
- Switch between applications on a split page: Ctrl-Tab
- Display page sorter view: Ctrl-â–²
- Move through the fields in a dialog box: Tab
- Move through the fields in reverse order: Shift-Tab
TI Nspire Keyboard Tips and Tricks
- To enter π, type pi.
- To enter θ, type theta.
- To enter ∞: type infinity.
- To enter ≤, type <=.
- To enter ≥, type >=.
- To enter √, type sqrt(...).
- To enter Ç, type abs(...).
- To enter i (the imaginary constant), type @i.
- To enter e (natural log base e), type @e.
- To enter ° (degrees), type @d.
- To enter r (radians), type @r.
Hopefully, you will find these shortcuts valuable tools when using your TI Nspire handheld graphing calculator.
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