
Graphing Calculator Apps for iPhones

July 7, 2013

Graphing Calculator Apps versus Graphing Calculators

At some point in your math career, you will need to consider the necessity of a graphing calculator. While it may seem like purchasing a graphing calculator is your only option, many students find graphing calculator apps to be a viable option for their classes. Graphing calculator apps are great for doing homework and class work – if your teacher will allow the use of an iPhone in class. The downfall to graphing calculator apps is that not all teachers allow iPhones to be used during class time. Also, iPhones and other cell phone apps are not allowed to be used on college admissions exams. For many students, this can be the determining factor as to whether you purchase a graphing calculator. Graphing calculator apps may be a good option if you have the ability to borrow a graphing calculator from a friend, teacher or another source in those instances where your iPhone is not allowed.

Graphing Calculator Apps for iPhones

Graphing calculator apps are all over the place. Depending on your need and the cost, you can find everything from very basic apps to extremely complex apps. Below is a listing of several graphing calculator apps currently available for iPhones.

Robust Graphing Calculator Apps

HP 12C Platinum Financial Calculator
Graphing Calculator HD

Simple Graphing Calculator Apps

Jumbo Calc
Free Graphing Calculator App from iTunes
Mathlab Graphing Calculator App

Graphing Calculator Apps – The End of an Era

So, do graphing calculator apps mean the end of the graphing calculator era. Not likely. College admissions exams and school stipulations will see to it that graphing calculators are not going by the wayside in the near future. They are, however, making it easier for students with limited need for graphing calculator functionality to perform math functions without the need of a graphing calculator. If you have a graphing calculator that is being replaced by one of these great graphing calculator apps, consider re-cooping some of your cost by selling your graphing calculator back to a buyback program like the one at

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